Artist Tom Christopher's murals for the Langone Medical CenterArtist Tom Christopher's murals for the Langone Medical Center, NYCArtist Tom Christopher's murals for the Langone Medical Center, NYCArtist Tom Christopher's murals for the Langone Medical Center, NYC Artist Tom Christopher's murals for the Langone Medical Center, NYC

Circular cove ceiling, 10.2’ diameter

NYU Langone Medical Center

Glenn N. Saxe MD

Arnold Simon Professor and Chair of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; Director, NYU Child Study Center


Glenn S. Hirsch MD

Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs, Medical Director, Assistant Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychiatry, and Pediatrics


Lauren Grimaldi LMSW

Executive Assistant to the Chair, NYU Child Study Center


Jodi Moise

Manager, The NYU Langone Medical Center Art Program


Olivia Davis

Art Associate, The NYU Langone Medical Center Art Program


Fred Alvarez

Senior Project Manager, Real Estate Development + Facilities, NYU Langone Medical Center


Everett Studios, Production and site installation

Donald Sigovich, Art scanning; Roger Huyssen, Image assembly

Joe Kiley of Katonah Image and Scott Everett of Lift Trucks Project, Photoshop imaging



A site specific project designed to highlight a New York experience. A fantasy vision, based on the reality of New York City street scenes with varying perspectives, expressionistic colors also incorporating tattoo imagery such as hearts and roses,
split-tail swallows carrying Dear John letters and other allegorical symbols.


Beginning in the Reception area with a 10’ by 30’ mural, the theme continues as a running narrative of over 85 images spread throughout the public corridors, waiting areas and staff offices. The 10’ dm. circular ceiling painting is designed to give the illusion of a skylight in the city. The Times Square/NYC theme was chosen to express the beauty that surrounds us from towering skyscrapers, bike messengers, skateboarders, pedestrians to the fire plugs and traffic lights. Designed to enhance one’s experience at NYUCSC with a positive and optimistic vision.


The title “I Like New York Because Everything Interesting Can Be Found There”, is derived from such disparate sources as
Brooke Astor, who famously said she liked New York because " can get everything you want." to a Greek push cart vender, who, fed
up with it all, moved back to his island of Keos to spend all day fishing in great weather surrounded by beautiful women.
He was back in two weeks. When asked why, he thought for awhile then said "In New York you can buy anything you want late at night." And it is true. It's all here. You just have to look.





A New Yorker Learns to Live with Glimpses

Mr. Pete Hamill speaking at Chumley's


studio Tour
studio Tour Lift Trucks
Studio Tour Lift trucks

Studio Tour

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Paris show loading

Tom Christopher Interview with The Journal News

Journal News Interview


The July Group Show
JULY 20- AUGUST 18 2013
Juried by Tom Christopher

studioequipment of Tom Christopher

Photographs by Chris Sanders

New Work

New Paintings 2013, Tom Christopher
New Paintings 2013, Tom Christopher
New Paintings 2013, Tom Christopher
New Paintings 2013, Tom Christopher
New Paintings 2013, Tom Christopher
New Paintings 2013, Tom Christopher
New Paintings 2013, Tom Christopher

Tom Christopher cases on Pinterest

Tom Christopher at the Schoolhouse Theater
Tom Christopher at the Schoolhouse Theater
Tom Christopher at the Schoolhouse Theater